Currently on display at our Silvas adobe are various Christmas figures from our very own Diane Lewis’ collection. Come see the burnished clay nativity figures from Mexico, tree of life Mexican candle holder, clay made Mexican dolls and angels, 1990’s artist sculpture, and many more unique pieces. Display will be out throughout the month of December.
Ramona Pageant Exhibit
This month the Ramona Pageant is celebrating its 100th anniversary. It is a significant event for San Juan Capistrano as well. Helen Hunt Jackson spent time living at the Mission while researching “Ramona”. In a book written before “Ramona”, “Glimpses of California”, Jackson refers to going around the Mission grounds in 1883. The exhibit is in the windows of the Silvas Adobe and gives us a glimpse of life a century and more ago. This year the pageant runs until May 6.
New Exhibit at the Leck/Silvas on Historical Society Grounds
Welcome to Spring. On Saturday April 17, 2021 the Historical Society will open an exhibit on vintage hats and accessories. The hats are from Monique Rae’s collection which she has generously donated to the Society. For many years Monique participated in living history at the Mission and at other events in San Juan Capistrano. Her outfits were perfectly presented by not only her dresses, but in the hats, gloves, and parasols. We are fortunate to have been given the opportunity to share this amazing collection with the public.

The exhibit will available through June. It can be viewed in the windows of the Leck House and Silvas Adobe.